Tagged: Dina Murphy

Harness the Experts Inside the School

The authors make the case for the Peer Observation Process (POP) – teams of teachers observing one another – as an inexpensive PD alternative that builds supportive collegiality. Reviewer Dina Murphy highly recommends the research-based book, which offers many implementation resources.

A Detailed Guide to Rigor in Math Class

The authors of Realizing Rigor in the Mathematics Classroom help teachers, curriculum coaches and school leaders avoid obstacles, pitfalls and traps on their way to achieving rigor and elevating learning for their students, says Dina Murphy.

A Thorough Guide to Turning Data into Action

“How Teachers Can Turn Data into Action” is an excellent guide to planning, ordering, and running data talks that lead to better instruction. Teacher-reviewer Dina Murphy also recommends its appendix, filled with protocols, flow charts and checklists to help get your team started.