Tagged: email

When Emailing Reminds You of Groundhog Day

Do you spend time every day doing repetitive email and typing tasks at school – time you don’t have to spare? If so, like Bill Murray in the classic comedy, you’re stuck in your own endless Groundhog Day cycle. Time management expert Frank Buck is here to break you out.

Realizing the Dream of an Empty Email Inbox

Does email steal your time? Your problem isn’t so much about having too many. It’s that they’re in the wrong places. Use these tips from educator and digital organization expert Frank Buck to unmask your email time bandits and make your inbox tidy and surprisingly sparse.

Improve the Way Your School Uses Email

Rethinking how we construct our emails and how email fits into school culture can lead to time-saving and clearer communication. Organizational expert Dr. Frank Buck offers simple strategies to improve the way educators exchange vital and not-so-vital information.

Stress-Free Email: How to Keep Your Inbox Empty

“We hate email,” says productivity expert and former principal Frank Buck, “because every time we check it, someone is adding to our already-crowded schedule.” In the 5th post in his Productivity Suite series, Buck shows educators how to keep your inbox empty.

Get Organized: Max Out Your Contacts App

Make the most of your digital Contacts app. In Part 3 of a productivity series for school leaders, organization consultant and former principal Frank Buck explains how to maximize such useful resources as contact notes, special ringtones, syncing, and more.