Tagged: Marilee Sprenger

5 Ways to Be Sure That Lessons Stick in Memory

What makes our lessons memorable? Looking into semantic, episodic, emotional, procedural and automatic memory, teaching consultant Marilee Sprenger shares ways to engage students’ long-term storage systems so that memories take hold. Start with visuals and play based learning!

How Executive Function Links SEL/Academics

If students develop executive function skills – focus, planning and organizing, self-monitoring – classrooms will run more smoothly, there will be fewer interruptions and repetitions, and teachers will have successfully bridged the SEL/academics gap, writes Marilee Sprenger.

All the Vocabulary Help You’re Likely to Need

Under the canopy of state standards, student knowledge of academic vocabulary matters more than ever, across all the content areas. In this collection, MiddleWeb has gathered together our most popular and helpful articles about the kind of word study that sticks to your long-term memory.

25 Words That Trigger Student Understanding

Brain and learning expert Marilee Sprenger highlights the 25 most high-frequency words for learners in the English language to focus upon. “I call these words ‘essential’ because knowing and using them can boost academic success and lifelong learning.” Are they on your vocab list?

SEL & the Brain: Every Student Has a Story

For those with positive stories, social-emotional learning helps reinforce the skills they need to succeed. For those with stories of trauma, SEL can help balance negative experiences with positive ones. Author-educator Marilee Sprenger shows how brain research can help.

Getting Test Ready? Try Some Retrieval Practice

Memory research leads us to an important insight: not only do we have to help students store information, they also need to be able to retrieve it. Expert Marilee Sprenger shares 13 rehearsal and retrieval practices to make learning stick. Re-reading isn’t one of them.