Tagged: middle grades

Paragraphs for Middle School: A Sentence-Composing Approach

Don & Jenny Killgallon show how students can begin with basic structures and add more layers & nuances as they create sentences and then paragraphs. Reviewer & 6th grade ELA teacher Jenni Miller says the Killgallons’ use of engaging mentor texts & a 65-pp teacher guide makes this an essential reference for writing instruction.

Let Them Read Whole Novels!

Ariel Sacks says that by teaching novels “whole” she has been able to ignite interest in books, deepen discussions & improve reading comprehension. In this informative article, Sacks shares her rationale, her method, and reactions from her middle school students.

Strategic Writing Mini-Lessons

SpEd teacher Danielle McIntosh recommends these 22 mini-lessons with adaptations for struggling and advanced writers and English language learners found in Strategic Writing Mini-Lessons for All Students, Grades 4-8.