Tagged: Pam Koutrakos

Use Mentor Texts to Multitask: Less Is More!

Mentor Texts That Multitask by Pam Koutrakos is a perfect ELA resource for working smarter, not harder. It leads readers through the why, what and how of using mentor texts to design flexible, integrated, multifaceted literacy learning – and includes free online resources.

Community-Centered Instructional Coaching

Community-centered instructional coaching reflects the idea that we all deserve to feel competent, confident, and fulfilled in our daily work, writes Pam Koutrakos. Ongoing, job-embedded professional learning that capitalizes on the spirit of community yields more buy-in.

Save Teaching Energy: Multitask Mentor Texts

When we transform a text into a multitasking mentor text, we increase the instructional mileage we can get from one power-packed teaching tool, writes veteran teacher and literacy consultant Pam Koutrakos. She includes five “energy star” ideas and a text set to get started.

Use a 4-Step Countdown to Launch Math Lingo

Like a rocket launch, learning math lingo requires plenty of ongoing, personalized checkpoints. Author and instructional coach Pam Koutrakos offers a streamlined, easily replicable process we can all use to help middle grades students prepare to take off with math vocabulary.

3 Meaningful Ways to Boost Your Word Study

When it comes to learning new words, a few minutes goes a long way, says author-consultant Pam Koutrakos. Teachers can jump-start word study at any point in the year. Use her “cycle” strategy to fit vocab into the daily lesson flow and build students’ curiosity about words.