Tagged: planning

PLCs Help Teachers to Plan Collaboratively

Michael Roberts demonstrates his understanding that proficient students can be taken to higher levels that keep them motivated and inquisitive. The learning extensions and planning strategies he provides will help educators do just that, writes teacher Jacqueline Barreras.

Make This Your Summer to Reflect and Envision!

The best tool in your classroom is YOU, the teacher. You’re the listener, questioner, connector. With summer at hand, math teacher Mona Iehl shares ways to prep yourself for next year. Relax, yes. Then reflect on what you’ve learned and envision a few manageable new approaches.

How We Can Finish This School Year Strong

We’ve accomplished so much this year and we still have another big stretch to conquer, write teachers Maggie and Piers Blyth. We’ve reached the peak – we’re ready for the downhill race. It’s important to chart our path and stay alert for the obstacles and opportunities ahead.

Helping Middle Grades Students Self-Regulate

When kids struggle to stay on task, reach goals, and take ownership of their learning, they lack self-regulation. Using clear text and video explanations, Amy Gaumer Erickson and Pattie Noonan break down the four components of self-regulation that will help students succeed.

Empower Students with Metacognition Skills

In Metacognition: The Neglected Skill Set, Robin Fogarty and Brian Pete offer 30 grab-and-go strategies to help students create a new habit of mind, writes middle school director Jeny Randall. Along with tools for teaching, they invite us to hone our own metacognitive skills.

A PD Pathway That Elevates Teacher Voice

Personalized Professional Learning: A Job-Embedded Pathway for Elevating Teacher Voice is a must read for school leaders especially but also for anyone who plans and facilitates professional learning, writes Amy Whitehead, a member of her district’s PD facilitation team.

Build STEM Skills Now: Try Citizen Science!

Count on it, writes STEM educator Anne Jolly, spring is almost here and your students’ energy and concentration are about to start slipping. Nice weather and seasonal events interfere with lesson continuity. How can you snag your kids’ interest again? Citizen science!

How Principals Can Allay Resistance to Change

School leaders have likely dealt with someone who didn’t support a proposed change. But principals need to assure that schools provide students with quality education, a process often requiring change. Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn show how to build support.