Tagged: school improvement

Leading Innovative Instructional Change

Because schools are under increased pressure to improve, there’s a tendency to want immediate results from any innovation. Success only comes when schools have clear vision and purpose, full collaboration, and a commitment to monitor and adjust, write Williamson and Blackburn.

A How-To Guide: School Improvement for All

Every chapter of School Improvement for All starts with commentary about how to determine vision versus reality, outlines ways to get from one to the other, and then provides concrete tools and steps to follow as a plan of action, writes NBCT Kathy Pham. A true guide to PLC success.

Leading with Focus Will Improve Schools

Emphasizing content-rich curriculum, traditional literacy activities, and soundly structured lessons, Mike Schmoker’s “Leading with Focus” provides a guide for teacher leaders, principals, and others that can improve student achievement, says principal Matt Renwick.

A Year in Search of Thriving Public Schools

David B. Cohen travels to 70 California schools to meet inspired teachers who experience autonomy and opportunities to lead. Though his visits lack the rigor of research, Mary Langer Thompson says his book can show readers what’s good about public schools.

Sustaining School Innovation Year After Year

Innovation efforts never cease in today’s high-stakes school environment. But effort isn’t enough, say leadership experts Ron Williamson & Barbara Blackburn. Lasting change requires leaders to share ownership and invest long-term in professional learning support.

12 Ways to Get Students Speaking & Listening

Sarah Tantillo is back with 12 techniques that mid-grades teachers across the curriculum can use to help their students develop the habits of speaking and listening that most contribute to learning. One idea: “Treat students as sleuths out to solve a mystery.”

Unlock Learning by Improving Oral Fluency

Of all the ways educators can improve learning in their classrooms, “the Number 1 way is to strengthen students’ speaking and listening skills and habits,” writes teaching coach and literacy expert Sarah Tantillo. Oral fluency deepens understanding dramatically.