Tagged: story

The Democratic Roots Essential to Literacy

In Literacy’s Democratic Roots: A Personal Tour Through 8 Big Ideas, Thomas Newkirk brings his enormous experience and wisdom from writing and teaching over many decades to his exploration of the connections between literacy education and democracy, writes Laurie Miller Hornik.

10 Tweaks That Can Deepen Math Tasks

So often we miss opportunities to deepen our students’ thinking about mathematics that would require just a few moments of our teacher time. Take a minute to look at these 10 simple strategies from Jerry Burkhart that transform formulaic math problems into explorations.

Literacy Learning Still Begins with Story

Katie Egan Cunningham stresses the importance of caring for our students’ stories even as we explore fiction and story-making with them. Reviewer Mary Langer Thompson highly recommends the book for its practical focus mixed with a philosophy beautifully expressed.

Bring Story to the Center of Literacy Learning

Throughout her book “Story” Katie Egan Cunningham shows how stories remain at the center of literacy learning, says teacher-reviewer Linda Biondi, touching the lives of all children and blending seamlessly into curriculum standards.