Tagged: word problems

How to Differentiate the Teaching, Not the Task

Mona Iehl once labeled her math students high, medium or low and gave them different problems. Now she thinks about differentiation as the amount of support she offers so that every student gradually reaches grade level expectations working the same problems. Here’s how.

Infusing More Math into Our Thematic Teaching

5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri has been exploring ways to better infuse mathematics in other subject areas and help students gain a more positive attitude about math’s central place in their lives. She shares some ideas about SEL and two examples from her science lessons.

Moving from the WHAT to the HOW in Math Class

Mona Iehl traces her teaching growth from guiding math students through memorizing procedures to thinking deeply through productive struggle at each stage of problem solving. Over time she developed the Word Problem Workshop model she uses in her classroom and explains here.

Helping Kids Become Math Problem Solvers

Learning to problem solve is no easy feat for the students or the teachers in math classrooms. 5th/6th grade teacher Mona Iehl shares ideas for incorporating practices in daily lessons that can help build a ‘safe and sure’ culture where reasoning and problem solving are the norm.

Should We Do More Writing in Math Class?

Math teacher Michelle Russell has been exploring the idea that asking students to write more might help them better understand and retain math concepts. After reading contrasting expert opinions, she decided to ask her students, who’ve provided some very useful insights.