10 Search results

For the term "Coats".

Changing School Climate: An Unexpected Recipe

Many school problems are social at their core. When teachers and counselors give students a leadership role in normalizing the problems – making them accessible and resolvable – the community culture improves for everyone, says national counseling leader Jean Peterson.

Help Students Make the Most of Interviews

Similar to reading, listening to what we hear during an interview requires comprehension and the active construction of meaning. Elizabeth Hagan, Lisa Friesen and Sunday Cummins share action research on ways to prepare students to conduct interviews they’ll enjoy and learn from.

Kids Today Need the Skills of a Generalist

Noting that Thinking Like a Generalist is “exactly the type of book a busy teacher needs,” educator Michael DiClemente says the book explains how to help students become truth seekers, developing questions and getting answers they need using concrete and practical skills.

Adding Simulations to Your Lesson Plans

Simulations involve tactile or kinesthetic participation and offer a way for students to be actively engaged in lessons and experience another dimension of learning. Barbara Blackburn and two colleagues share online and in-class SS, ELA, and STEM ideas.

Help Students Read & Think Like Scientists

To learn science deeply, students need the trifecta of instruction: experiments; exploration of a complex text; and teaching that’s both challenging and empowering. Deeper learning expert Libby Woodfin shares how this works in Peter Hill’s 8th grade classroom.

Richard DuFour’s Praise of American Educators

If demoralizing teachers worked, then our educational system would already have reached a state of perfection. Instead, says reviewer Jenni Miller, policymakers can find a true roadmap for change in Richard DuFour’s “In Praise of American Educators And How They Can Become Even Better.”

Propaganda Isn’t History – It’s Current Events

Most educators who teach propaganda use examples from the World Wars, says media literacy expert Frank Baker. “But propaganda is happening today—all around us.” Baker introduces a new resource that can help teachers and students exert their “minds over media.”