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Book Talk Videos Let Peers Encourage Peers

“Ultimately book talk videos recorded by peers are beneficial if we want to inspire middle grades reluctant readers. They need to witness peers having fun with books. It nurtures the idea that reading is worth a try.” School librarian Kristen Day shares how her “EGGs” are doing it.

Calendar Activities Add Spice to Spring Classes

Incorporating the odd and unusual into everyday instruction can capture students’ attention. And middle graders do enjoy knowing something bizarre! Anne Anderson shares calendar celebrations (Artichoke Day?) from March, April and May to surprise them. Teaching ideas included.

Infusing More Math into Our Thematic Teaching

5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri has been exploring ways to better infuse mathematics in other subject areas and help students gain a more positive attitude about math’s central place in their lives. She shares some ideas about SEL and two examples from her science lessons.

3 Leadership Moves Help Grow Mutual Respect

To help combat negative perceptions that can surround administration, DeAnna Miller offers three ways school leaders can cultivate mutual respect among staff: (1) offering meaningful feedback; (2) being highly visible; and (3) not being led astray by the Good Idea Fairy.

Team Leaders Use Clear Parameters to Build Trust

Whether you’re a principal facilitating a change initiative or a teacher leader facilitating a content-level team, it’s essential to set clear parameters with adult learners upfront so that neither goals, nor trust, nor people’s hard work is compromised. Elisa MacDonald shows how.

How We Can Finish This School Year Strong

We’ve accomplished so much this year and we still have another big stretch to conquer, write teachers Maggie and Piers Blyth. We’ve reached the peak – we’re ready for the downhill race. It’s important to chart our path and stay alert for the obstacles and opportunities ahead.

Using Conferences to Grow Mathematicians

Gina Picha’s book offers advice, examples and resources for brief math conferences that focus on listening and observing, naming students’ strengths, and encouraging them to share ideas. Fifth grade math teacher Kathie Palmieri finds it a practical, easy-to-implement guide.

Assessment That Aligns with SEL Skills and Goals

Star Sackstein’s Assessing with Respect is about focusing on meeting students’ SEL needs and how that allows us to work with them on greater academic achievements. She effectively discusses the theory of CASEL competencies and their implementation, writes NBCT Megan Balduf.