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We Need to Accelerate, Not Remediate Learning

As educators search for the best instructional approaches and resources to address the effects of disrupted and unfinished learning, they should reject remediation and identify strategies that accelerate the learning experience of students, write Sonya Murray and Gwen Turner.

Seeing and Celebrating Each Learner’s Gifts

Once teachers see, value, and capitalize on a learner’s unique talents and strengths, it changes the student and it changes us, writes Regie Routman. “Possibilities override limitations. Pride of accomplishment replaces failure. Effort leads to excellence. Joy is present, the best gift of all.”

How Fiction Writing Can Transform Students

Thomas Newkirk urges ELA educators to move beyond simply assigning formulaic writing grounded in rubrics and include more fiction writing. Using research as well as student and teacher voices, he shows the benefits of encouraging creativity. A call to action, says Katie Durkin.

13 Exciting New Titles for Your Classroom Library

Need fresh titles for your classroom library? ELA teacher Kasey Short shares 13 new books that are sure to resonate with middle graders. These relatable stories offer diverse perspectives and themes that authentically capture the experiences and challenges of today’s students.

Coaching Math Teachers in Collaborative Teams

As math coaches and other instructional leaders begin to think about the upcoming school year, they may want to consider Nicora Placa’s teacher team-building activity. It sets the foundation for a successful year of learning collaboratively and improving student group work.

Sustaining a Leadership Mindset in the AP Role

Where can assistant principals turn when they need to find encouragement and renewal in one of education’s toughest jobs? Veteran AP DeAnna Miller has found ways to strengthen her confidence and optimism as a leader through online communities and authors like Baruti Kafele.