52 Search results

For the term "megan kelly".

15 Ways to Teach and Learn with Sticky Notes

“In my classroom, sticky notes earn top honors for Best Multipurpose Teaching Tool,” writes literacy teacher Kelly Owens. She displays 15 ways to use the tacky squares to chunk large tasks into manageable clusters and empower students to contemplate, coordinate, and connect.

21 Deep Dives Good for Summer PD Reading

The 2021-22 school year came with all the expected sound and fury, and for many of us, weariness and low spirits. Now summer’s here and MiddleWeb has pulled together a diverse set of deep-dive PD articles you might have missed. They’re insightful, informative and actionable!

Rubrics: 5 Go-to Ways to Engage Students

The more students interact with the rubric, the more ownership they take over it, writes Megan Kelly. Once they feel empowered by the rubric, they can use it as a tool to accomplish their goals rather than a means of judgment, putting them on the same team as the teacher.

All the Vocabulary Help You’re Likely to Need

Under the canopy of state standards, student knowledge of academic vocabulary counts more than ever, across all the content areas. In this collection, MiddleWeb has gathered together our most helpful articles about the kind of word study that’s time sensitive and sticks in your long-term memory.