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Enticing Students with New Writing Challenges

Although the writing challenges Writing Workshop co-developer Shelley Harwayne designs aim to be rigorous, she tries to make sure there’s an element of joy attached. “When assignments are enticing and engaging, it becomes rather easy for students to do what they’re asked.”

Engaging MLs in Daily Academic Conversations

If we want multilinguals to develop their speaking skills while learning content (and we do!) then they need multiple opportunities to engage in academic conversation throughout the school day. ML/EL education leader Jenny Vo shares her favorite successful strategies.

How Leaders Can Cope With the Unexpected

School leaders often find themselves coping with unexpected events that create turbulence and uncertainty. During the pandemic, these challenges have expanded and intensified. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six researched steps to help leaders respond effectively.

An Illustrated ABC of Inquiry-Based Teaching

I Is for Inquiry presents a diverse repertoire of concepts to help teachers be intentional about embedding inquiry-based teaching and learning strategies into their lessons and supporting K-12 students in embracing a learning mindset, writes Michael McLaughlin.

Try Multimodal Literacy Autobiographies Now!

Multimodal literacy autobiographies encourage students to reflect on the many ways they have developed literacy skills and offer valuable insights that help teachers shape instruction. Educators Erin Knauer and Kathryn Caprino share tips and examples to get students started.