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Writing: Blurring the Fiction/NonFiction Line

Stephanie Farley has come to realize that she’s a hybrid kind of person – she enjoys the blurring of traditional lines between categories. Here she shares how she uses elements of fiction to help students conceptualize and improve their nonfiction writing. And vice versa.

Inspiring Understanding Using Personal Stories

Exploring human experiences through personal stories promotes discussions that focus on facts and individual realities rather than generalizations and stereotypes and helps students develop empathy, compassion and understanding, writes Kasey Short. Reading suggestions included!

Designing Questions That Support Scaffolding

Effective questions build in opportunities to scaffold student learning. Teaching coach Barbara R. Blackburn suggests creating questions that encourage multiple answers, include hints and context, allow students to help each other, and provide a clear indicator of success.

Sleigh Bells Ring…Is Anyone Listening?

A librarian introduces Mary Tarashuk’s 4th graders to The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate. Mary builds on the true story, taking its cross cultural message to social studies and ELA, and applies its story of rededication to her own teaching.

Improving Opportunities & Outcomes for Black Kids

Baruti Kafele’s motto,”If it impacts the students, we must be willing to discuss it,” really sums up what this book covers and what equity and social justice work is all about. We cannot continue with business as usual and think we will have better outcomes, writes Claire Stein.

Reframing the Focus Away from Language ‘Correction’

Rather than despairing over grammar mistakes in their corrected papers, Jason DeHart suggests students can succeed in ELA by noting the varieties of sentences, talking about their impact on the narrative, and describing the feelings and actions these stylistic choices evoke.

Teaching Faith-Based Winter Holidays

Facing the ‘December Dilemma’ of how to include winter holidays in the instructional day? This MiddleWeb resource offers a multi-faceted look at religious and non-religious aspects of the season, legal issues, and some ideas for seasonal lesson planning.

Mindsets Are Not Just Found in Our Heads

We all deserve to work towards creating a culture of growth in our schools, and reading Mary C. Murphy’s Cultures of Growth on the science of mindset is a wonderful place to start, writes educator Brad Waguespack. The book applies Dweck’s findings to organizations and groups.