But I’m Not a Reading Teacher: Strategies for Literacy in Content Areas
Amy Benjamin successfully shows content teachers how to focus on reading comprehension with their subject material, says reviewer Anne Anderson.
Amy Benjamin successfully shows content teachers how to focus on reading comprehension with their subject material, says reviewer Anne Anderson.
MS math teacher Kathy Felt makes her case for the Common Core standards and the need for educators to “teach mathematics in deep and engaging ways.”
Amid all the exciting teaching plans for a new year, Heather Wolpert-Gawron (TweenTeacher) shares her list of must-do-firsts to establish a solid classroom culture.
Integrating curriculum / Kids on the Cusp
by Mary Tarashuk · Published 08/18/2013 · Last modified 11/14/2019
In her 4th grade classroom, Mary Tarashuk teaches it all. The index cards that helped her grapple with curriculum in her first years may have a different use today.
Education publishers are sharing new books about professional practice with MiddleWeb, and we’re looking for educators who’d like to select a book & write the review. Get the details here.
Research reports a strong link between trust in schools & student achievement. The Trust Factor: Strategies for School Leaders can help leaders boost the trust factor, says reviewer James Jordan.
Book Reviews / Common Core State Standards / ELA & Literacy
by MiddleWeb · Published 06/02/2013 · Last modified 12/03/2019
Reviewer Anne Anderson recommends 20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core for its research-based strategies designed to grow readers & thinkers within a CCSS framework. The payoff will justify the necessary time investment, she says.
Teachers will find creative alternatives to the traditional book report that tap into student interests and creative writing in Ban the Book Report: Promoting Frequent and Enthusiastic Reading, says reviewer Nicole Warchol.
Raptors in the City opens a web portal on peregrine falcons living in a skyscraper during spring nesting season. Engaging ideas for science classrooms!
Common Planning Time / Two Teachers in the Room
by Elizabeth Stein · Published 12/02/2012 · Last modified 12/04/2019
If the search for a perfect co-planning relationship frustrates you, Elizabeth Stein shares 4 “simple mindshifts” that have made her a fearless co-teacher anyway.