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What Is Your Teacher Superhero Origin Story?

Like superheroes, every teacher has an origin story that imbues them with powers, prowess and, most important, purpose. Reminding ourselves not only why but HOW we came to be teachers can help us better see the struggles and potential of our students, writes Dr. Daniel Bergman.

How to Use Stories as Catalysts for Reflection

In Changing Curriculum through Stories: Character Education for Ages 10-12 Marc Levitt shows how personal stories, folktales and fairytales can act as catalysts for reflection and deeper comprehension. Dr. Kevin D. Cordi finds his notes to teachers and students quite helpful.

Helping Long-Term ELs Master Academic Texts

To help long-term English learners meet reading comprehension challenges, language specialist Tan Huynh shares strategies to use before reading, during reading, and after reading so that multilinguals have the scaffolding they need to read grade-level texts with understanding.

Make AI Work for You as You Prep for Fall

Kathie Palmieri shows how the ChatGPT tool can help launch the new school year with content activities, introductory letters, and more. She also includes tips for using generative AI software to batch-plan lessons for a quarter, trimester, or even designing a year-long plan.

How UDL Can Help Us Elevate Our CoTeaching

The reality of teaching in a co-teacher role was sometimes a rough ride, writes author and co-teaching coach Elizabeth Stein. Three things helped keep her strong, and one of them proved to be the key to solving all her co-teaching puzzles: the Universal Design for Learning.

Using Poetry Pauses to Elevate Student Writing

Poetry “pauses” can become the heart and soul of English class AND address almost any reading and writing standard. Teacher-author Brett Vogelsinger shares three examples – poems that can help students extend their understanding of structure, character and personal narrative.