499 Search results

For the term "".
Portfolio Mosaic Layout

Portfolio Mosaic Layout

Mosiac layout is automatically generated from your portfolio item posts. Using your normal portfolio page, just change the layout type to mosiac and you’re done!



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam non risus eget sapien pellentesque ultrices. Vestibulum sed augue at orci consectetur semper id et metus. Etiam ac turpis ligula, sit amet rutrum tortor. Quisque ut dolor tellus, at...

Other Shortcodes

Other Shortcodes

Ruled Title [pre]<h6 class=’theader’>Some title</h6>[/pre] Some title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut dui ac est eleifend sagittis id vitae mi. Vivamus fermentum malesuada dui, et cursus tellus tincidunt ornare. Morbi quis nibh eget...

Table Shortcode

Table Shortcode

Shortcode Usage [pre][table]       [table_headers]         [table_header]…[/table_header]         [table_header]…[/table_header]         [table_header]…[/table_header]         …     [/table_headers]         [table_body]      ...

Tab Shortcode

Tab Shortcode

Tabs Shortcode Explanation [pre][tabs     effect=”slide”     Animation to play when changing tabs     opentab=”0″        The tab open when the page loads ]       [tab         title=””...

QR Code & vCard Shortcodes

QR Code & vCard Shortcodes

QR Code Shortcode Usage [qr data=""        Any string that you want to encode into a QR code     is_link="true" If true, the code image will be a link to a higher resolution QR code...

Video Shortcodes

Video Shortcodes

Normal (old-style) Video Shortcodes This is the normal way display videos by using a Flash-based player such as FlowPlayer. Since this is using normal videos use Flash, these do not play in iPhones and iPads. [infobox]Use the HTML5...



[infobox]Heading fonts can be easily changed to any of the 80+ fonts included with the theme![/infobox] Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id aliquet nisi. In interdum commodo vehicula....

Sample Page

Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces...