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Empowering Kids to Help Make School Decisions

If schools are always being “held” accountable, asks leadership coach and veteran principal Matt Renwick, how will students ever learn to “be” accountable? When do they get to make important choices that affect others and themselves? Three shifts can change the paradigm.

The Year I Figured Out Student Self Assessment

It took Stephanie Farley 21 years to solve the student self-assessment equation. The solution? Teaching students to explain their thinking as they revise and improve. The result was transformational; they gained confidence in their work and were far less anxious about grades.

Broaden Close Reading Beyond the Printed Page

Classrooms that teach a broad range of close reading skills are not only rich with texts but host a wide range of types of texts, from traditional to digital to hyperlinked to hybrid, writes ELA teacher Jason DeHart. Critical student thinking needs to occur in all these spaces.

An Enhanced Edition of ‘When Kids Can’t Read’

Literacy coach Pam Hamilton finds lots to like in Kylene Beers’ latest version of When Kids Can’t Read – What Teachers Can Do. The second edition keeps some of her favorite features from the original and adds many new kid-tested ideas to help teachers reach all their students.

How to Teach Students to Grapple with the Math

Mona Iehl’s students were shocked when she first asked them to grapple with math problems BEFORE they received instruction. Then, to her surprise, “they got out the blocks, and drew pictures, and tried!” Her trust in productive struggle grew as she saw their confidence increase.

This Personal Challenge Rejuvenated My Career

In a time of unprecedented teacher criticism, burnout, and flight, National Board Certification offers an opportunity for teachers to feel empowered and inspired, writes NBCT Marilyn Pryle. Best of all, the challenging, self-directed process helps good teachers become even better.

Bringing the Science of Reading into Grades 3-5

In Shifting the Balance (3-5), Cunningham, Burkins and Yates address common misunderstandings that weaken reading instruction in the intermediate grades. Fifth grade teacher Kathie Palmieri found herself impressed by and deeply immersed in the recommended shifts.