Tagged: characters

10 Cool Ways to Teach with Word Clouds

Wordl clouds are everywhere, in every color and size. Middle grades teacher and Scholastic author Marilyn Pryle shows 10 ways word clouds made from free generators on the web can be crafted into powerful literacy teaching tools, using the right prompts and directions.

What’s Missing from That Media Message?

It seems, with the holidays upon us, that some companies have decided it’s a good idea to acknowledge underrepresented groups in their marketing, advertising, and media coverage. But consultant Frank W. Baker is wondering: What took them so long? He shares tips to raise student awareness.

59 Reasons: A Guide for Teachers Who Write

In “59 Reasons to Write” Kate Messner shifts from teaching writers workshop and writing books for tweens to helping teachers build their own writing skills, assisted by more than 30 published authors. Reviewer Wendy Moore plans to try out their strategies.