Tagged: Colby Sharp

Class Libraries to Inspire and Challenge Readers

Using their own experiences with classroom libraries and ideas from other professionals, Colby Sharp and Donalyn Miller provide insight, wisdom, and actionable practices for teachers in The Commonsense Guide to Your Classroom Library. Katie Durkin highly recommends it.

Making Sure All Kids Can Access Books

Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp’s “Game Changer! Book Access for All Kids” is a must-read, writes principal, NBCT and veteran school librarian Rita Platt. Its 10 short chapters are power-packed with research, stories and strategies for building a strong reading culture.

Game Changer! Assuring Book Access for All Kids

Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp make the case for dedicated independent reading time and choice in books for all students in all schools – and they push back hard against narrow reading spectrums and the misuse of book leveling, writes 6th grade teacher Kevin Hodgson.