Tagged: comics

Add Comics and Graphic Novels to All Classes

Using engaging strategies and many examples, teacher Tim Smyth makes a convincing case for viewing comics and graphic novels as literacy tools, helping build reading and critical thinking skills. Kevin Hodgson is glad that Smyth also shows how kids can create their own comics.

Why Visual Literature Deserves Our Attention

Jason DeHart knows the unique characteristics of visual literature can grab kids’ attention. He shares ideas from his research and middle school teaching experience about using comics and graphic novels in the classroom – and includes lots of winning titles for grades 4-8.

Expanding Our Idea of What Writing Should Be

In Writing, Redefined Shawna Coppola proposes alternatives (comics, podcasts, etc.) to traditional writing assignments to welcome the students who aren’t drawn to essays and book reviews. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton likes the ideas but wonders if teachers are ready for them.

Infusing Pop Culture into Literacy Learning

In Making Curriculum Pop, Pam Goble and Ryan Goble have done exactly what harried teachers need most: provided a raft of templates for student work as well as grounded the notions of textual exploration in proven research and thoughtful theory, says Kevin Hodgson.

Comics Can Enliven Learning across Content

The tagline for “Reading with Pictures” says it all (with maybe a bit of genre hyperbole): “Comics that make kids smarter!” Teacher Kevin Hodgson recommends the cross curricular graphic story collection curated by Josh Elder and its free 146-pp study guide.