Tagged: creative writing

Have Fun Developing Creative Writing Skills

Creative writing exercises offer low stakes, high engagement opportunities for students to build writing skills while also having fun. Kasey Short shares a rich collection of character, plot and setting activities to help kids develop their voices as writers through the year.

Add Imaginative Writing to Your ELA Classroom

While integrating imaginative writing into ELA classrooms may seem fanciful in a school culture that prioritizes the expository and analytical, teacher/coach Ariel Sacks shows how regular story creation can become a powerful developmental force in the lives of adolescents.

Starting a Writing Club Outside the Classsroom

Want to start a writing club to reach beyond curriculum boundaries and provide a comfortable, social experience for all writers? Sharon Ratliff did just that and shares what worked for students as they took the lead in setting it up and now meet regularly across grade levels.

Building a Foundation for In-Class Writing Clubs

Lisa Eickholdt and Patty Vitale-Reilly’s favorite student collaboration is the Writing Club – an opportunity for kids to write in authentic, engaging, and creative ways. They prepare a foundation for this work with read-alouds, feedback structures, partnering activities, and more.

Five-Step, Never-Fail Character Sketching

Why is NBCT Marilyn Pryle’s “never-fail” Character Sketch activity so effective? Because it asks students to use the people in their own lives as inspiration – a parent, grandparent, sibling, or friend. Pryle provides the teacher’s script, complete with student prompts.

Using a Daybook to Promote Student Writing

When low-risk, high-interest writing becomes a daily habit for all of your students, whatever your content area, they’ll discover the powerful write-think-learn connection. Teacher-author and NBCT Mary Tedrow shares her classroom-tested “daybook” method for getting started.

Writing: How We Can Achieve a State of Flow

Writing flow, says author and principal Matt Renwick, is achieved through the habits one builds by regularly participating in the experience. He offers suggestions on how teacher and student writers can establish writing rhythms and find flow in their craft.

Students Often Prefer Low Tech Learning

Today’s students have never known a time when computers didn’t exist. Many are surrounded by digital options in school as well as at home. But teacher Cheryl Mizerny has noticed her 6th graders are often drawn to low-tech learning experiences. She looks at why that might be.

Language Arts Fireworks!

In an era when imaginative exploration of language is missing from many ELA classrooms, Ralph Fletcher’s wonderful book, Pyrotechnics on the Page: Playful Craft that Sparks Writing, celebrates playful writing, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.