Tagged: data

Setting Expectations for Positive Behavior

The newly revised and resource-rich PBIS Team Handbook does an excellent job of breaking down what PBIS is, what it means to schools, and how effective it can be when implemented properly. The authors make a convincing case for Tier 1 implementation, says Christina Williams.

A Leader’s Guide to Boost Student Learning

If your goal is to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment in your classroom, building, or district, then read Six Steps to Boost Student Learning. Education consultant Anne Anderson notes the concise, focused book is filled with resources.

How to Help Students Own Their Learning

Every time Elisa Waingort opens Leaders of Their Own Learning, she finds another simple but brilliant suggestion to improve her teaching and the learning of her students. She recommends repeated reading of this fully resourced guide to student-driven learning and assessment.

4 Steps to Put School Data to Good Use

School and student data can be confusing and challenging to collect and use effectively. Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn offer a four-step process to help educators and administrators collect and analyze data and support better teaching and student learning.

Are We Data-Driven If We Ignore Half the Data?

Principal Matt Renwick says our definition of data has to broaden substantially if we expect to paint a complete picture of student learning. Renwick describes how two middle grades teachers are using technology to help meet the qualitative assessment challenge.

A Thorough Guide to Turning Data into Action

“How Teachers Can Turn Data into Action” is an excellent guide to planning, ordering, and running data talks that lead to better instruction. Teacher-reviewer Dina Murphy also recommends its appendix, filled with protocols, flow charts and checklists to help get your team started.