Tagged: field trips

Snapshots from a Global Student Travel Program

Travel abroad is a chance for students to step out of their comfort zones, build connections, and develop a global perspective – to engage authentically with people and places beyond their cultural affiliations or national borders, writes middle school head Michael McLaughlin.

Fun Virtual Field Trips to Try This Winter

No funding for field trips? Concerns about travel safety? Consider taking your students on a virtual adventure instead. Teacher-authors Billy Krakower, Jerry Blumengarten, and Paula Naugle share four of their favorites and offer plenty of other ideas!

Middle Grades Kids Need Field Trips

Field trips don’t have to be elaborate, says school leader Mike Janatovich, but they are important for young adolescents who are still making connections between academic content and the real world. He shares ideas and tips to plan an outing this fall.

Virtual Field Trips Spice Up Learning

In today’s budget-conscious and time-stressed schools, virtual field trips are a great way to excite students without leaving the classroom. Teaching expert Barbara Blackburn shares a sample lesson idea and some good places to hunt for relevant field trips.

6 Tips to Boost Learning on Class Field Trips

Teacher educator Amanda Wall describes how she’s blended specific learning activities into class field trips and shares 6 tips to help teachers plan. “It’s certainly true that planning field trips can be challenging, detail-intensive and time-consuming,” she says, “but there is always a reward in student learning.”