Tagged: focus

Use Some Time During Summer Break To Heal

Instead of using summer to squeeze in back-to-back PD or obsessively plan for the coming year, teachers can benefit by devoting some time to restore our energy and renew our sense of self. Author and educator Debbie Silver offers some wise guidance to get us started.

Easy-to-Use Strategies to Develop Young Writers

In “The Writing Strategies Book” Jennifer Serravallo has pulled together 300 useful writing strategies and lessons, coordinated by grade, genre, and point in the writing process. Serravallo’s well-organized and easy-to-use resource is sure to come in handy right away, says reviewer Kevin Hodgson.

7 Elements of Effective Leadership in Education

Douglas Reeves advocates 7 interdependent elements of leadership – purpose, trust, focus, leverage, feedback, change, and sustainability – to change schools for the better. Coach Rita Platt will revisit the elements throughout the year to spark more reflection.