Tagged: Heart of the School

Let Students Read! Why Quantity Really Counts

If we want our students to be readers, we have to let them read, writes principal and reading teacher Rita Platt. We have to give them time for the kind of reading that is guided by curiosity, joy, and love of story. Platt shows exactly how her school made this work.

Teaching Assertiveness to Counter Meanness

In response to kids just being mean or in instances of downright bullying, teaching children to be calmly assertive can help. Rita Platt shares strategies that students can use to stand up for themselves and others – learning the difference between tattling and reporting.

Here’s Why Our School Loves to Read So Much

Students who love to read: that’s our goal! Rita Platt’s school makes open library access a top priority, with impressive results. She spent eight years as librarian before becoming principal and shares proven ideas to create an efficient and flexible kid-led operation.

A Caring Principal’s Tips for Lawnmower Parents

Lawnmower parents have an irresistible urge to clear away all the stress and struggle for their children. The result, says principal and NBCT Rita Platt, can be kids who don’t learn to mow their own paths. Read her tips for parents, educators, and the kiddos themselves.

Sustainable Self-Care for Funny Educator People

How do teachers recharge regularly? Rather than mediation and exercise, Rita Platt finds what works for her is getting a daily dose of “gut-busting laughter.” And guess what? Laughing as self-care is a scientifically proven strategy! She offers laugh inducing resources.