Tagged: resistance

Using Lenses to Develop Close Reading Skills

Using an innovative idea from her district’s teacher-sharing day, Katie Durkin and her 7th grade ELA and Social Studies teams implemented a “motifs and lenses” strategy to strengthen students’ close reading of fiction and academic texts. She details their successful steps.

Meeting Objections in Your School Community

Responding to uncompromising resistance to change is always a challenge. Wise school leaders are inclusive in the planning stage, share information with everyone involved, and have a well-considered implementation plan. Williamson and Blackburn examine four kinds of objection.

How Principals Can Allay Resistance to Change

School leaders have likely dealt with someone who didn’t support a proposed change. But principals need to assure that schools provide students with quality education, a process often requiring change. Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn show how to build support.

How to Lead Change in Your School’s Culture

In Leading School Change, Todd Whitaker focuses on strategies to successfully navigate cultural changes, using specific examples. Educator Laura Von Staden particularly likes his coverage of how standardization has as a cost, often holding back the best teachers.