Tagged: self-reflection

Kids Love End-of-Year Classroom Takeovers!

You’ve spent the school year teaching students skills and strategies and covering the curriculum, giving your best to all your classes. Now as the year winds down, the time has come to let the students take over. See how Kathie Palmieri’s middle grades kids share learning.

Spark Motivation with the BRAVEST Strategy

Sparking Student Motivation is a tool-rich resource that educator Sarah Pennington recommends to any teacher who is open to deep self-reflection and ready to make changes in their practice and classroom culture that will increase student engagement with learning.

Introspective Questions to Amplify Your Leadership

Veteran principal and multi-book author Baruti Kafele takes school leaders on a self-reflective journey to answer his title question by exploring 35 focused and intentional guiding questions. Education leadership professor Frank J. Hagen recommends taking the trip.

Seasonal Teacher Fatigue: Regroup & Recharge!

When spring fever rises and summer still seems far away, newbie and veteran teachers alike may feel they’re losing their focus and their students are drifting. Check out Elyse Scott’s five regrouping and re-energizing strategies and “do what’s right for the kids.”

Negotiating Science through Writing

In this thought-provoking book, the teacher-authors’ Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) strategy goes beyond the argumentation of the subtitle, says reviewer and science teacher Tracey Muise, modeling how learning can be driven by student inquiry.