Tagged: team building

A Novel STEM Program Bonds a Middle School

Markham Woods Middle School in Lake Mary, FL was searching for a careers-oriented STEM program that would appeal to the “multitude of talents” among its students and help improve the climate of a divided school. Biomechatronics has achieved both objectives, says AP Eric Basilo.

13 Activities to Teach Teamwork Skills

Successful Group Work can help teachers provide structure within groups of students to help classrooms run more smoothly, says teacher Stacey Knighton. It’s most likely to be useful to a beginning teacher or someone just starting to do collaborative team work.

Don’t Break the Ice, Build Your Community

After years of using the same “icebreaker” activities to get tweens and teens talking to each other and the teacher, ESL educator Walton Burns had an epiphany – icebreakers needed to give way to community building events, tailored specifically for adolescents.