Tagged: tech

Get Ready to SOAR into the New School Year!

A new school year can be filled with excitement – and stress. 5th grade teacher Kathie Palmieri suggests you SOAR into fall as you plan your structure and organization, assess your classroom, review and reset so you and your students can take flight in a welcoming environment.

Can Tech Replace the Classroom? Should it?

Writing a decade ago, Jody Passanisi and Shara Peters wondered if online learning could replace physical school. Now as they evaluate the costs to students of pandemic driven education, the teachers turned school leaders have their answer: Content in a human vacuum can’t sustain itself.

Survey: What Kids Said about Remote Learning

Responding to a survey by Rita Platt, middle graders reveal what worked and what didn’t for them during their spring of virtual learning: more freedom and free time warred with tech glitches, months without friends, and less time with teachers. Rita shares some things we might do better.

How Can We Improve the First Days of School?

Most students are excited to get back to school, but anticipate lots of rules and mundane tasks to begin the year. Why not hit the ground running? Teacher educator Curtis Chandler has ideas to create a good first impression with plenty of fun, challenge, and learning.

Help Kids Thrive in a Screen-Filled World

Screenwise by Devorah Heitner is a book for both educators and parents that adopts “a gloriously positive attitude” about adults’ ability to learn and model wise use of the digital tools that engage people of all ages today. Teacher-author Heather Wolpert-Gawron finds lots of wisdom and lots to use.

Don’t Let Class Tech Be Just a Garnish

Teacher Cheryl Mizerny is not anti-tech, just anti-bad pedagogy – the kind that crops up when the garnish of tech overshadows the deep learning that can happen when teaching is “brain based, not screen-based.” Make the app fit the lesson, she says, not the other way around.

How We Can Stop Leading Like Yesterday?

Each chapter of Stop Leading Like It’s Yesterday gives an example of “yesterday’s way of thinking” and offers a new strategy for pursuing change, assessing success, and having critical conversations. MS administrator Tamekia McCauley plans to try several.