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Try This UDL Higher Order Thinking Strategy

Teachers Samantha Layne and Susanne Croasdaile introduce a new UDL-friendly tool to promote higher thinking, using a model-building strategy. TPRY helps students break down visual content, analyze it, and even build their own visual texts. See a food web modeling example.

Math: the Perfect Place to Teach Character

In math class students can be challenged to build both their character and their math proficiency if we adopt the roles of cultivator and guide. Mona Iehl calls on teachers to follow the principles of ECHO and help each student embrace a leadership role in the learning journey.

Building Skills in the World Language Class

Sparking Creativity in the World Language Classroom by veteran educators Deborah Blaz and Tom Alsop provides examples from language programs showcasing how creativity can be integrated into curricula to engage our students, writes Spanish teacher and ELM coach Melinda Stewart.

It May Be Developmental and Still Not Appropriate

The missteps of middle schoolers may be “developmentally appropriate” but we still need to guide students to do better, writes school leader Jody Passanisi. “Students this age often rise to the expectations that are set for them. That is developmentally appropriate, too.”

Teach the Writer First and the Writing Second

Recognizing the gap between formal curriculum standards and the emotional and organizational hurdles of writing, Matt Renwick shares some of his ideas for student-centered strategies that acknowledge these challenges and equip students with tools they need to overcome them.