Category: Common Core Standards

The Common Core in Action

Reviewer Laura Von Staden says Teaching Students to Dig Deeper: The Common Core in Action by Ben Johnson is valuable for its ideas about rethinking the school enterprise in the era of the Common Core.

Research, Adventure & CCSS

Blend research into an adventure story? Reviewer Kevin Hodgson says this intriguing book, Writing to Explore: Discovering Adventure in the Research Paper, can help achieve standards for expository, informational & narrative writing.

Unpacking the Common Core

This teacher-friendly book, Pathways to the Common Core: Accelerating Achievement by Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth, and Christopher Lehman, helps us understand what the ELA CCSS really say and how to bring them to life in classes, writes reviewer Julie DeMicco.

A Major CCSS Resource

Fully aligned with CCSS, Common Core Literacy Lesson Plans: Ready-to-Use Resources, 6-8 is valuable resource for all 6-8 teachers, says reviewer Linda Biondi. The book offers well-researched, fully developed lesson plans.