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Deepen Student Learning with Flip’s Video Magic

Learn how middle grades teacher and NBCT Kathie Palmieri is using the upgraded and rebranded Flip video tool (formerly Flipgrid) on a daily basis to engage her students, show quick lesson reviews, and get them talking about what they did and didn’t understand. Helpful tips included.

Learning Spaces That Affirm Students’ Identities

In Identity Affirming Classrooms: Spaces that Center Humanity, Erica Buchanan-Rivera provides teachers with the background knowledge, reflection tools and actionable practices needed to create identity-aware, student-centered environments. For all educators, says Katie Durkin.

Making Sure Students Know We’re Listening

Do you invite student talk? If we want kids to engage in the lessons we’re teaching, they need to see us valuing what they have to say. Kelly Owens shares tips for creating a “two-way” classroom community and home connections that encourage authentic dialogue and build trust.

Preparing Our Students to Be Digital Storytellers

Digital literacy leader Brett Pierce lays out the elements of digital storytelling and shows how students can take the lead in using digital tools to collaborate, think critically, problem solve, and present publicly, creating digital narratives around core curricular goals.

How Classroom Circles Help Us Build Community

The life skills students learn in our classes prepare them to thrive in the real world. Middle grades teacher Laleh Ghotbi shares some lessons from her effort to use weekly community-building circles in her classroom to help students learn to respect their differences and focus on common values.

The Joy of Sharing Our Love of Reading

The Joy of Reading “is manna for those of us who love reading and can’t imagine not having a book at hand,” writes Cathy Gassenheimer. It’s a must-have tool for educators who teach students how to read and seek to expand their own comprehension and love for stories.

A Guide to Expanding Virtual Teaching Skills

Building on the surge in virtual and blended teaching during the pandemic, the authors show how teachers across content areas can further develop their virtual and digital skills. Their well-organized book sustains an accessible, mentoring tone throughout, writes Theresa Wood.

What Changes Kids’ Minds about Poetry?

To guide middle grades students into paying more attention to poetry – and reconsidering their often negative attitudes about reading and writing poems – author and teacher Linda Rief suggests kids create heart books, do quickwrites and illustrate lines of their own work.

What Students Need in Civic Education Now

In Becoming Active Citizens Tom Driscoll and Shawn W. McCusker offer a compendium of the latest approaches and ideas in civic education. Their ideas equip teachers across academic disciplines with the tools to navigate this ever-changing landscape, writes Sarah Cooper.