157 Search results

For the term "barbara blackburn".

Misconceptions about Mindset, Rigor, and Grit

Using Mindset, Rigor, and Grit as examples, veteran teacher Cheryl Mizerny weighs the potential value of trendy pedagogical ideas while pointing out how easily they can be misinterpreted or poorly implemented by educators, to the detriment of students.

Fireside Reads: 20 Favorite MiddleWeb Posts

With the winter “read by the fire” season in full force, we offer a selection of 20 MiddleWeb posts that have garnered thousands of views apiece. They represent the wisdom & expertise of middle grades educators with a wide range of teaching experiences.

Boosting Comprehension Across Subject Areas

Comprehension is a concern in every content area. If a student cannot comprehend the material, whether it’s words or images, they cannot meet learning goals. Teaching coach Barbara R. Blackburn offers some simple strategies that can help you scaffold comprehension for your students.

Dive into Summer PD – and Lots More!

Whether summer means it’s time to relax, bolster your professional know-how, improve your bank balance, or reconsider your profession, we have suggestions from your educator colleagues and other sources that can help. Plan now!

4 Reasons for Optimism About Public Education

Williamson and Blackburn highlight four good reasons to be optimistic about the future of America’s public schools. Community approval is the highest in nearly 50 years; teachers are better prepared for the future, and the resilience of public educators remains remarkable.

How to Keep the Rigor in Differentiated Lessons

When differentiation and rigor are intertwined the result helps all students learn at high levels. Combining the two is not more work, it’s more effective, says teaching consultant Barbara R. Blackburn. Using a content literacy lesson, she shares her three-group strategy.