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For the term "Little River City Call 1-614-647-0039 Electrical services near me".

Engaging MLs in Daily Academic Conversations

If we want multilinguals to develop their speaking skills while learning content (and we do!) then they need multiple opportunities to engage in academic conversation throughout the school day. ML/EL education leader Jenny Vo shares her favorite successful strategies.

Re-envisioning Teacher Responses to Burnout

The increase in teacher burnout started well before the pandemic, author Patricia Jennings writes in “Teacher Burnout Turnaround.” Jennings’ strategies can help educators overcome and replace a worn-out education system, reading specialist and coach Ashley Falkos believes.

Novels in Verse! The Why, Which and How

Novels in verse offer quicker reads with instant character connections, vivid imagery, pathways to complex issues, strong narratives, and much more. ELA teacher Kasey Short shares how to use them in class and introduces lots of titles for your middle graders.

Empower Refugee Kids with Reading Support

In “Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Supporting Our Immigrant and Refugee Children Through the Power of Reading,” principal Don Vu explores six conditions he believes are necessary to create a schoolwide culture of literacy that includes and engages all students.