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For New Teachers: How to Keep Kids on Task

Effective class management begins with dynamic planning and engagement, writes instructional specialist Miriam Plotinsky. Teachers who focus not just on delivering information but responding to student feedback in the moment can avoid “helicoptor teacher” syndrome. Here’s how.

Answers to Questions Reading Teachers Ask

Christina Nosek, a teacher and literacy staff developer, engages readers with a collection of important concepts with answered questions on the foundation of the reading classroom. Literacy coach Pam Hamilton says the easy read is great for a summer professional reading stack.

Multitasking Mentor Texts for Integrated Literacy

Discover how mentor texts and text sets become multitaskers, providing vision, purpose, and the confidence students need to take learning risks. ELA consultant Anne Anderson highly recommends Pamela Koutrakos’ Mentor Texts That Multitask as a tool for literacy integration.

21 Deep Dives Good for Summer PD Reading

The 2021-22 school year came with all the expected sound and fury, and for many of us, weariness and low spirits. Now summer’s here and MiddleWeb has pulled together a diverse set of deep-dive PD articles you might have missed. They’re insightful, informative and actionable!

Adding Equity to College and Career Pathways

Gene Bottoms, a national CTE leader and secondary school reform advocate, discusses the inequities in opportunity found in current college and career practices and details steps to transform high schools into places that serve ALL students well, writes principal Frank Hagen.

20 Questions We Used to Help Fix Our School

What works when school leaders need to tackle complex challenges? Principal and author Matt Renwick suggests letting go of trying to control outcomes and operating with certainty on “fixing” problems. Pursuing 20 sharply focused questions helped his school gain momentum.

Real or Imagined Lives: Teaching Moon Knight

While comics may not be an immediate go-to for all educators, they are a rich source of adolescent reader engagement. Teachers who are willing to linger with text and images to build conversations will discover their potential for literacy instruction, says Dr. Jason DeHart.

How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward

In The Power of Regret, creativity and motivation author Dan Pink finds that regrets can make us stronger and more effective in our work. Professional learning consultant Cathy Gassenheimer encourages educators to consider how Pink’s four types of regrets relate to our lives.