Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

No-Holds-Barred New Teacher Advice

National teacher leader and NBCT Nancy Flanagan reveals the essence of excellent teaching in the middle grades by answering four questions that a new middle grades educator might ask. Question #1: How can I build trusting relationships with these students?

Blogs We Like

Blogs We Like

Here are some blogs we like to read. We’ll be adding more soon. If you’d like for us to consider your middle grades-related blog, get in touch!

Good but Incomplete Advice

Frank Buck’s Organization Made Easy! / Tools for Today’s Teachers has many good ideas, but reviewer Fran Lo wishes there was more about paper-grading and some secondary examples.

Exciting Students about Math

Neurologist & middle grades teacher Judy Willis hits a home run with Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, her book on helping students learn to love math, says teacher Cossondra George.