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For the term "Barberton City 1-800-239-6733 Flower delivery phone number free shipping".

Dive into Summer PD – and Lots More!

Whether summer means it’s time to relax, bolster your professional know-how, improve your bank balance, or reconsider your profession, we have suggestions from your educator colleagues and other sources that can help. Plan now!

A How-to Guide to Better Engage Your Students

Jason Kennedy believes that planning on the front-end will result in better learning for students and more enjoyment by the teacher. Cathy Gassenheimer recommends his no-frills, how-to book that’s full of ideas and Kennedy’s passionate views about engagement and learning.

Number Sense Builds a Strong Math Foundation

There’s an immense difference between rote memorization and giving students tools that allow them to work flexibly and thoughtfully with numbers, writes Kathie Palmieri. When kids learn number sense and can use multiple strategies, they have choice in how they solve problems.

Lessons Learned from Gifted Neurodiverse Kids

Teachers become more effective when they embrace learning for all kinds of kids, including those who are both profoundly gifted and neurodiverse. Teaching coach Stephanie Farley shares ways to use choice, positive emotion, and novelty to engage and challenge every learner.

The Long & Winding Road to Women’s Rights

Women’s history is no longer in hiding, thanks to scholars who are documenting women’s impact on society. Middle grades teachers can help their students trace that history with these resources, just updated and expanded, for Women’s History Month and beyond.

Teaching with a Wide Range of Digital Texts

In his fourth post in a series exploring ways that digital literacy impacts teaching and learning in the middle grades, Jason DeHart considers a wide range of digital texts (including music, visuals, film, video) and notes changing trends in engagement among his students.