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Explore Great NGSS Lessons This Summer

Teaching the “NGSS Way” is challenging, admits science specialist Kathy Renfrew, but unlike 2013 when the New Generation Science Standards were first released, teachers can now find plenty of high quality lessons and video demos to help achieve 3-D science classrooms.

A Tool to Help Students Read a (Resource) Book

How can history students use resource books more effectively in their research papers? Taking a cue from a staff meeting, Sarah Cooper devised a handout to help 8th graders quickly scope out a nonfiction book and find stories and quotes to enliven their papers. It worked!

Stay Sharp This Summer with Free PD Resources

As much as we love teaching, summer break presents valuable time and opportunity to reflect and rejuvenate – and also retool and sharpen our skills through self-directed professional learning. To help, Curtis Chandler presents an awesome collection of free PD options.

Middle Schoolers Thrive on Place-Based Learning

The ideas behind place-based education are being discussed in more schools and communities, as years of test-driven instruction have many looking for better ways to learn. Fieldwork coordinator Sarah K. Anderson shares the inspiring program at public Cottonwood School.

A Summer’s Worth of STEM PD/Prep Ideas!

As you relax into summer break, keep an eye on what’s up with STEM learning. Expert Anne Jolly shares resources for keeping up with STEM news and lesson ideas as you reflect on what worked (and didn’t) last year and consider how to amp things up for next fall’s students.

Writing Historical Fiction for Middle Grades Kids

Before she finally produced a successful manuscript, Dr. Malayna Evans had to think long and hard about how to integrate ancient Egyptian history into a story that would appeal to today’s kids. So she turned down her “scholar” and turned up her passion for the subject.