497 Search results

For the term "춘천출장마사지[TALK:VB20]충북출장안마충북출장마사지충북".

The 3 Things Our Middle Schoolers Need Most

With the start of a new school year approaching, how can we make sure our middle school students are getting the support they need for an academically and personally successful school year? School leader Rhonda Neal Waltman offers three effective strategies.

Spelling Matters in Middle School, Too

Want to help middle school students improve their reading skills? Mark Weakland suggests providing direct and explicit spelling instruction. Emphasizing syllables – roots and affixes – offers lots of building blocks for students. Weakland includes differentiation tips and activity ideas.

How 31 Blog Posts Are Changing My Practice

Raised in rural Alberta, Canada, Brent Gilson set out to broaden his understanding of racial and cultural diversity, both to improve his teaching and to raise awareness among his mostly white middle grades students. Taking part in the #31DaysIBPOC Twitter project has been a revelation.

Where to Find Kids’ LGBTQAI+ Books

Beyond sharing titles, librarians Christina Dorr and Liz Deskins discuss justifications for circulating LGBTQAI+ literature to children and teens and share a brief history and approaches to “dealing with objections.” Sarah Cooper found ideas for her own classroom library.

Explore Great NGSS Lessons This Summer

Teaching the “NGSS Way” is challenging, admits science specialist Kathy Renfrew, but unlike 2013 when the New Generation Science Standards were first released, teachers can now find plenty of high quality lessons and video demos to help achieve 3-D science classrooms.

Want Authentic Data? Try Shadowing Students

To move beyond the usual data reports that crowd admin inboxes, Ronald Williamson and Barbara Blackburn recommend shadow studies that gather insights into how students experience daily school life in and out of class. Learn how it’s done and why it’s worth the time.