Teaching and learning in grades 4-8

Adapting Rigorous Work to Remote Learning

As teachers work to offer SEL support during remote learning, they can also adapt assignments to provide students with academic challenges that engage them in higher order thinking and teamwork. Barbara Blackburn and her colleagues share examples across content areas.

How to Be Sure You Are a Caring Teacher

The Caring Teacher asks educators to reexamine how and why they teach the way they do, to record reflections, questions and thoughts toward the goal of reducing bias and increasing student success. Linda Biondi believes every moment spent in reflection will be worth it.

The Awesome Power of Simple Questions

How can we stretch younger students’ excitement for inquiry into the middle school years? After tutoring a 9-year old this summer, MS teacher Mary Beth Nicklaus hopes the power of pursuing their simple questions will energize the quiet kids among her 6th graders this fall.

Teach Math by Diving Deep Into Real Data

Rather than approach math using only a curriculum that follows textbook lessons, we can boost learning by teaching math as a science. Middle grades educator and NBCT Kathleen Palmieri is learning how to incorporate data studies to help students relate math to the real world.

Jen Serravallo: Let Go and Gain Engagement!

The more we try to exert control in the online classroom, the more stressful it can be for us and for students, writes author and literacy expert Jennifer Serravallo. Six shifts will give learners more ownership and flexibility, increase engagement, and boost learning.