91 Search results

For the term "curtis chandler".

Analogies Plus Tech Can Deepen Understanding

Adolescents constantly work to make sense of new information, often by referencing what they already know. Teachers can help by introducing analogies. Curtis Chandler shares tips and tech tools to help put analogies to work, including Metamia and Google Slides.

How Concept Maps Help Deepen Learning

Concept mapping is one of those underutilized but potentially powerful tools than can deepen learning and teaching significantly. In his new MiddleWeb blog, Class Apps, teacher educator Curtis Chandler shares three online mapping tools to get students started.

Explore These Easy to Use Teaching Tools

For teachers who like to grow their skills during the break, Curtis Chandler has a shortlist of online resources to check out – including nonfiction goldmines, video filters and easy production ideas, and simple apps to supercharge reports & projects. All free!

Mastering Test Anxiety: Student & Teacher Tips

Spring’s promise of renewal is just ahead. But for many educators, spring is also the season of testing anxiety. Curtis Chandler shares research and wisdom from fellow educators that can help turn angst into achievement for students and for their teachers.

Four Tools to Help Gamify Your Classroom

The first step toward gamifying your classroom can be as simple as taking the “ew” out of “review” with these helpful game-oriented apps, selected and described by tech integration expert Curtis Chandler. Included: Quizizz, Kahoot, Classcraft and Class Dojo.

7 Tech Tools for Fast Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is good practice, as every teacher knows, says tech consultant Curtis Chandler, but finding time to measure individual student understanding is challenging. Chandler offers seven apps that can make the practice both routine and engaging.

Cage-Busting Teachers Go After Solutions

Educators who read policy pundit Rick Hess’s new book The Cage-Busting Teacher will find plenty to disagree with, says instructional specialist Curtis Chandler, but “they will also learn quite a bit about their potential and influence as an educator.”

5 Essential Tech Tools Keep Teachers Learning

Web-browsing teachers must not only harvest the ideas of others but curate what’s valuable and create opportunities online to stretch and grow, says former Kansas Teacher of the Year Curtis Chandler. He shares five digital tools to help make that happen.