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Media Literacy: How to Watch the Debates

The presidential debates offer a unique portal to explore topics that are critically important in developing students’ media literacy skills and preparing them for responsible citizenship. Experts Frank W. Baker and Karen Zill provide an in-depth teaching guide.

3 Ways to Encourage Ownership of Learning

Ultimately, teachers have the final say in the classroom. But when they share some ownership with students, they create a true community of learners and reap benefits for themselves. Expert Barbara Blackburn shares three ideas about building student ownership.

Staying Focused When Lesson Plans Fall Apart

Middle school is SO spontaneous. How can teachers ensure opportunities to help students think critically, collaborate, and engage in the scholarly discourse we put in the lesson plan? Libby Woodfin shares 3 “ABCs of deeper instruction” that can help. Videos too!

On the Very First Day (Be the Best You Can Be)

It’s the first day of school and your middle level students are acting like, well, adolescents. You’ve got to hook them quick, says teacher Elyse Scott. Forget the pre-tests and paperwork. Jump in and let them know how exciting your classroom universe is going to be.