Tagged: scaffolding

Not Light, But Fire: Talking Race in Class

Reading “Not Light, But Fire” inspired Sarah Cooper to change the way she frames conversations about current events and history – which very often involve race, ethnicity, religion, politics and other incendiary topics – to build understanding, not emotion.

What Students Learn From Being the Teacher

Reciprocal teaching (RT) helps students deepen their learning by teaching other students. Curtis Chandler shows how kiddos can tackle new texts and concepts by developing their ability to apply cognitive and metacognitive strategies. He includes helpful videos and online tools.

Genius Hour Help Includes the Scaffolding

Andi McNair’s “Genius Hour” is a valuable resource for educators who want to release potential in students but do not know how or where to start. Reviewer Terry Carter praises McNair’s focus on scaffolding strategies that can help students pursue their passions.

How to Develop Deep Student Discussions

Reviewer Sherry Drake has already tried the questioning strategies suggested by Jackie Walsh and Beth Sattes to involve middle schoolers of varied abilities in a mini research project. The authors offered just what she needed to engage her students in deeper thinking.