Tagged: social studies

4 Online Ideas for Civics and Current Events

For social studies teachers, incorporating civics and current events is an important part of the job, says teacher and civics blogger Brian Rock. “Your task is, ultimately, to help grow and develop the next generation of citizens.” He suggests four helpful online resources.

A Workshop Model for Science, Social Studies

The workshop model moves beyond literacy in Inquiry Illuminated. The authors present science and social studies in a workshop framework, engaging students from research to presentation. Literacy specialist Andrea Doyon recommends the detailed book to teachers and districts.

Honing Our Questions to Deepen History Learning

To foster social studies students who are more curious, collaborative and invested, Katie McGrath worked with a district team to hone essential questions and develop a process of “micro-progression” that leads each student to understanding. Steps and examples included!

How 31 Blog Posts Are Changing My Practice

Raised in rural Alberta, Canada, Brent Gilson set out to broaden his understanding of racial and cultural diversity, both to improve his teaching and to raise awareness among his mostly white middle grades students. Taking part in the #31DaysIBPOC Twitter project has been a revelation.

Ideas to Integrate Poetry Throughout the Year

Megan Kelly always intends to integrate poetry across her units, but somehow ends up scrambling each year as National Poetry Month approaches. This fall she has a list of activities to hold herself accountable. Try some of her ideas in your own ELA, history, science or math classes.