496 Search results

For the term "계룡밤의왕국[Talk:PC90]단구바디프랜드안마의자/코체/사파머신/코지마/현대센안마/엘지".

A Way to Increase Free Reading Outside of Class

Free Reading Friday has transformed Laurie Miller Hornik’s 7th grade class into a reading community, without having to cut back on whole-class text studies. Students arrive on Fridays ready to talk and write about the free reading they’ve done outside of school during the week.

Engaging All Students with Imaginative Writing

Teacher Ariel Sacks illustrates the value and practicality of offering more opportunities during writing instruction for students to imagine and create, says reviewer Stacy Haynes-Moore. One highlight: The book includes four months of curriculum with integrated roles for students.

2 Questions Help Move Kids Deeper into Texts

While questions about literature can focus on identifying elements, Jason DeHart wants to expand his students’ thinking beyond matching words and examples. He begins with two questions designed to move students deeper into a text: “What’s that?” and “What’s that doing there?”

Do Less This Year to Let Kids Do More in Math

This school year teacher-coach Mona Iehl is committing to do less so that her math students can do more. More thinking, more problem solving, more growing, all to empower them to take the lead in their learning and give them space to figure things out. Learn how she does it!

3 Ways to Relieve Back to School ‘Overwhelm’

In Julie Hasson’s annual back to school dream, she’s trying to organize thousands of rubber ducks in a rushing river. Fortunately she has strategies for dealing with that sense of being overwhelmed. They begin with a well-sorted to-do list and a focus on realistic optimism.

Reach Past the Timeline with Thematic History

In Teaching Beyond the Timeline, China Harvey and Lisa Herzig show how to make history more relevant, exciting and connected to the present by using thematic history that integrates chronology. Sarah Cooper enthusiastically recommends sharing the book and its friendly intricacy.

Challenging Harmful Beliefs in Math Class

To move toward equitable mathematics education, Dr. Lidia Gonzalez shows how math teachers can help students see beyond harmful beliefs by answering 3 questions: “What is mathematics?”, “What does it mean to be good at math?” and “How do we see our math development over time?”

9 Habit-Stacking Tips for Low-Key Summer Prep

You need your break! Don’t fill your summer ruminating endlessly about lessons and classes to come. Instead try the “habit stacking” strategy and prepare for the next school year without getting mired in the weeds. Teacher and coach Miriam Plotinsky shares nine possibilities.

Using Active Learning with Middle Schoolers

When asked to help implement health/biology curriculum, the authors decided to focus on active learning strategies that succeeded in exciting and engaging the adolescent girls in their classes. They conclude that well-designed hands-on learning is worth the extra time and effort.

Teaching Perspective with “Lord of the Flies”

Lord of the Flies by William Golding remains a riveting, relevant book for middle school because of its themes of survival, power, and leadership. Laurie Hornik’s PBL unit also teaches students to appreciate and practice multiple perspectives and be open to changing their minds.