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For the term "거제출장마사지【Talk:za33】부산출장안마,부산출장업소,부산역할대행,부산출장홈타이,부산예약금없는".

How I’m Shaking Up My Daily Math Lessons

Using a variety of teaching strategies is a great way to ensure students are cognitively engaged, writes math teacher Kathie Palmieri. Their responses to strategic prompts start productive discussions, and this helps kids feel they have a voice in shaping their learning.

Preparing to Welcome Ukrainian Students

As Ukrainian children flee Russia’s attacks, many will come to the USA, writes EL/ML teacher Dina Strasser. What do we need to know to welcome them? Here is Dina’s suggested reading list, from understanding the war and Ukrainian culture to learning how to help traumatized students.

Engaging MLs in Daily Academic Conversations

If we want multilinguals to develop their speaking skills while learning content (and we do!) then they need multiple opportunities to engage in academic conversation throughout the school day. ML/EL education leader Jenny Vo shares her favorite successful strategies.

How Leaders Can Cope With the Unexpected

School leaders often find themselves coping with unexpected events that create turbulence and uncertainty. During the pandemic, these challenges have expanded and intensified. Ron Williamson and Barbara Blackburn share six researched steps to help leaders respond effectively.

Spring Celebrations to Enliven Your Classroom

Boost learning and fun this spring with quirky calendar celebrations collected by ed consultant Anne Anderson. Whether it’s observing National Optimism Month in March or Paper Airplane Day in May, adding exclamation points to the arrival of spring is a win for everyone!

Helping History Students Think for Themselves

Jennifer Ingold wants her history students to make the connection between primary-source research and preparation for informed and civil disagreements. Learn about her MLK historical scene investigation activity and a virtual Black History Symposium among students in NY and FL.