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Wounded by School: Broken, then Healing

Reviewer Lorie Shiveley agrees with many of Kristen Olson’s concerns about wounded students in Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture, but Shiveley says teachers get too much of the blame.

Becoming a Together Teacher

The Together Teacherâ„¢: Plan Ahead, Get Organized, and Save Time! by Maia Heyck-Merlin helps readers recognize that being organized “is a means to an end –strong student outcomes and more free time,” says reviewer Beth Fabijanic.

Unique and Necessary

In our second review of The Together Teacher, popular blogger Ariel Sacks says the organizational advice from Maia Heyck-Merlin suits her busy but Type B teacher-leader life.

Tech Basics & Beyond

Doug Johnson’s The Classroom Teacher’s Technology Survival Guide can help classroom teachers gain knowledge and perspective but some content may be heavy going for novices, says reviewer Rhonda Leduc.

Blogs We Like

Blogs We Like

Here are some blogs we like to read. We’ll be adding more soon. If you’d like for us to consider your middle grades-related blog, get in touch!

Exciting Students about Math

Neurologist & middle grades teacher Judy Willis hits a home run with Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, her book on helping students learn to love math, says teacher Cossondra George.

How to Stop Wasting Minds

Reviewer Renee Moore agrees with Ron Wolk’s assertion that America’s public education problem is not about “performance” but poor system design in Wasting Minds: Why Our Education System Is Failing and What We Can Do About It.