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How Middle School Kids Rejected Stereotypes

Eighth graders present a video and describe the creation of their “I AM Wall” – part of a project on stereotyping that included reading S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. “It seems that we keep discovering things about ourselves every day, so all we need to strive for is to be ourselves.”

The Common Core in Action

Reviewer Laura Von Staden says Teaching Students to Dig Deeper: The Common Core in Action by Ben Johnson is valuable for its ideas about rethinking the school enterprise in the era of the Common Core.

Read Now to Thrive This Fall

Reviewer Linda Biondi says Teaching Matters (2nd Edition): How to Keep Your Passion and Thrive in Today’s Classroom by Todd & Beth Whitaker will help you weather the education storms & create sunnier days in your school and classroom.

The Power of Teacher Teams

Jill Spencer’s conversational, resource filled book,Teaming Rocks! Collaborate in Powerful Ways to Ensure Student Success, makes a compelling case for high functioning teacher teams says reviewer Susan Shaver.

Leading Teachers to Improve

Reviewer Anne Anderson finds You Don’t Have to Be Bad to Get Better: A Leader’s Guide to Improving Teacher Quality by Candi McKay a practical, easy-to-read handbook for school leaders who want to bolster student learning by helping teachers grow professionally.

Maker Schools: Classroom Tinkers & Inventors

The authors of “Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom” share an exciting guest post at Anne Jolly’s STEM Imagineering blog. The tools and ethos of the maker revolution offer insight and hope for middle schools and for science and math studies, they say. “The breadth of options and the ‘can-do’ attitude is exactly what students need.”